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Power Stands for P90X

April 19, 2011 –

I’ll start by saying that I am a big believer in push-up stands. I had some symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome a few years back so I am very sensitive about strain on my wrists. With the amount of push-ups we are cranking out in these workouts, I need equipment that will keep my wrists in a more natural and supported position.

My wife bought me the Perfect Push-Up about a year before I ever started P90x. I used them for almost the entire first year, but finally gave in and bought some of Tony Horton’s Power Stands. You may ask why Tony isn’t using his own invention in P90x? Because he hadn’t invented them yet! You will see them in P90x Plus and his One on One Series.

It is hard to do a written review on a product like this so I thought I would do a video review so you could really see the products in action. So which product do I use now? Which one do I use? Well, you’ll have to watch to see.

One Response to “Power Stands for P90X”

  1. breakpoint says:

    great review. I have been using the perfect pushup also but have been wanting to go to the power stands. Have you tried the newer version stands?

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