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My 30s Asylum Sizzle Reel

June 2, 2011 –

Now that theĀ  ASYLUM CHALLENGE is complete, teamRIPPED needs to vote on 10 people to best represent us in a video submission to ShaunT. It is this video along with Team Xcellent Fitness’ video that will determine the winner of the challenge.

Each of us who participated in the challenge must submit a 30 second Sizzle Reel to all of teamRIPPED to determine the lucky 10 who will be included in the submission to ShaunT.

30 seconds is not a lot of time so I have done the best I can to include some pics, some workout clips, and my slam dunk showing off my vertical improvement. I am working on a extended Sizzle video as well. Stay Tuned!

To see my full ASYLUM Results, click HERE. Also, check out my 10-mile run results 2 days after finishing ASYLUM HERE.

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