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Supplement Video

May 22, 2011 –

I want to finish off this string of supplement posts with a video I have been working on for some time. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So a video is worth…well alot more than that! :)

I have created a video to walk you through a day in the life of my supplement intake. I have written numerous posts over the past week and a half on the supplements that I actively use. I encourage you to read through those and hopefully pick up a nugget here and there. So, how do you combine it all together so that you can live your life and not worry about taking supplements all day long? Hopefully, this video will provide you a guide to help you see how I make it part of my daily routine. Here are some quick links to the blogs that discuss the supplements in these videos:

Pre-Workout Supplements

Post-Workout Recovery  Drink



Core Omega 3 & Fish Oil


Ginkgo Biloba

Shakeology and Shakeology Boost – The Fiber

Whey Protein


P90X Peak Performance Bar

Casein Protein

And to track your supplement intake, I created a Supplement Worksheet


A Day in the Life of Mike’s Supplements


No Responses to “Supplement Video”

  1. […] a series of blogs I wrote earlier in the year on supplements. You can see links to all those posts, HERE. It includes Whey Protein. Multivitamins, Recovery Drink, Shakeology, Shakeology Fiber. CoQ10, […]

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