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My ASYLUM Results!

May 27, 2011 –

30 Days of Asylum complete!

Whenever I complete a new program, I have such a feeling of accomplishment. The feeling right after you finish and you think, “Wow, I did it!”. It is absolutely something to be celebrated.

I will still be working on some Asylum blogs and videos to wrap things up, specifically my Asylum Transformation Video and my 30 day Asylum Review with individual workout video reviews. I have all the footage, but now it just takes time to actually compile it all and make a nice story out of it!

So without anymore waiting, here are my body measurements and Athletic Performance Assessment Results!

Mid – Program Nutrition Changes

As you can see from my body measurements, I actually lost weight in the first 15 days. My goal was to maintain. So when I saw this, I adjusted my Asylum Nutrition plan. My original plan was to have 2400-2500 calories per day, keep my fat component to <15%, and have my protein and carbs be close to 50/50 of the rest. So my P/C/F split was 42.5/42.5/15.

After seeing my results on day 15, I  increased my calories to 2600-2700 with a weighting towards healthy carbs. So after 30 days, my average daily nutritional intake was the following:

Calories – 2604

Protein – 233g

Carbohydrates – 263g

Fat – 80g

P / C / F Split – 40/46/14

So this goes to show that everyone is different and reacts differently. Do not be afraid to adjust your plan! I had set a goal of 7% BF which is what I was back when I finished Insanity. I got there in 15 days. Frankly, I should have increased my calories even more than the 2600-2700 adjustment as I lost another 1% BF in the next 15 days.

Athletic Performance Assessment Results

I was happy with my results here. I did better at some more than others. This is a skill-based routine, especially for many of the speed and agility drills. I had to replay Shaun T’s feet about 10 times for the “Agility Heisman” test and I still didn’t get everything right. So, although I absolutely made strength gains in 30 days, I believe there is another factor in play here: practice. I would attribute alot of my Day15 improvements to practice while I would attribute my Day 30 results to strength and true performance improvements.

I have the video of my Day 30 Athletic Performance Assessment Results so you can be the true judge on my form! My self-critique:

Agility Heisman – Ugly! Man, I still need work on this. Lots of ladder hits and really slow. I still need to really concentrate to get the move right. I mess it up quite a few times. But i did improve quite a bit from Day 0 so I am happy about that.

In & Out Ab Progression – Not bad, but I hit the bottom rung quite a bit. The straightening out of the ladder stops me from beating my Day 15 result.

Pull-Ups/Push-Ups – When I was spent on Pull-Ups, I finished off the minute with Push-Ups but didn’t tape it due to logistics. Real happy with my progress here.

Mountain Climber Switch KicksInsanity’s Switch Kicks were my most improved skill. These are similar. I match my Day15 results with 115. I’m pretty happy with my form throughout. I dont think ShaunT would give me too much guff.

Agility Shoulder Taps – Great progress from my Day 0. Felt good about this one.

X Jumps – Man, this one is a bear. I was striving for 40, but wanted to ensure my form and my jump height stayed consistent throughout. Still good progress.

Moving Push-Ups – Similar to “Agility Shoulder Taps”, I felt good improvement here. Maybe my strength gains here tie back to the increase in my chest size?

Agility Lateral Shuffle – Felt good about this one compared to my mediocre performance on the “Agility Heisman”.

Agility Bear Crawl – Good improvement here. Maybe ShaunT would criticize my butt being too high, but this one really gets the quads and shoulders burning.

Sports Performance Results

As part of the Asylum Challenge, ShaunT wants to see some before and after from a real-world sport. After all, this is Insanity Asylum – Sports Performance! So I figured that basketball would be a great sport to show off just how much I gained on my vertical. Did pushing through Vertical Plyo pay off? Watch the video to see my results! By the way, I’m 6’1″.

I also did a 10 Mile Run 2 days after completing ASYLUM. This was yet another proof point as to how much this program works. I have never 10 miles before in my life and I ran a great race. And for that, I credit ASYLUM. Check out my full post on my race results, HERE.

Before and After Pictures

Everyone loves transformation pictures. The biggest gains I recognized were in my back, core, and legs. I was very surprised how much stronger my back got from Asylum since there are not alot of pull-ups. This just proves that BACK TO CORE is truly a killer back workout!

14 Responses to “My ASYLUM Results!”

  1. Wayne says:

    Awesome job! I love that 10 foot miniball slam!
    “You gotta go down to go up”!!

  2. Gov says:

    Yeah mini slam was great awesome job!!!

  3. Jeff says:

    Great results Mike. I love the videos.

  4. Coach Mike Coach Mike says:

    Thanks guys! It was a great 30 days and we all motivated each other which was awesome!

  5. […] 90 day block of training completed! After completing Insanity Asylum, I was ready to lay out the next challenge: complete an Olympic […]

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