My wife and I started the Ultimate Reset on May 29. If you haven’t seen “My Why” and “My Fears” on Day 0, you can check it out HERE.
As I go through my weekly reviews, I want to highlight a few different things on the program:
– Hard Data (Can you tell I am an engineer?!)
– Am I on track to meet my “Why”,
– How am I handling my fears
– How do I feel overall.
If you dont like to read, you can view my video below.
So I have posted my results below. Overall everything stayed the same except for my weight. I am down…GULP…7 lbs. For a hard gainer like me, this is not a good thing. However, all my body measurements stayed the same. I did lose 1mm off my abs in my body fat measurement, but this is a really small movement.
I have not had my cholesterol taken since I went to a Whole Food / Plant-Based diet. The last time I had it taken I was in the mid 140s. Prior to P90X, I was in the 190s. Now I am at 124. Wow. Really happy about this. I am not looking for the UR to decrease any further.
I had (4 )Whys that I explained in my video.
1) Try It Myself – I am so glad I am doing this for the team. It is such a different program that I know I would not have had the same appreciation for what people were going through. From the daily regiment to the menu to cooking to the supplements.
2) Timing – This is continuing to be a great time to do this. I had no travel last week and no travel planned for this week or next week.
3) Need a Reset? – I think time will tell on this one, but I can tell you that I have pounded my body for quite some time. I am sure it is thanking me for a rest. I actually feel more relaxed. And I am getting more sleep, which is always nice.
4) Partnership – This has been the most rewarding part so far. Doing this reset with my wife has surpassed any expectations I had. We each have our own approaches, but it has been working out wonderfully. From going grocery shopping together to preparing the food to eating together. It has just been an absolutely fabulous experience.
I had (2 ) Fears that I explained in my video.
1) Calorie Reduction – Other than the obvious weight loss, this has not been as bad as expected. There are times when I am hungry, but it has not been unbearable. I am not crazy about following every single calorie or food measurement. That is not critical for me in this program. But I am sticking to the times you are supposed to eat and the foods you are supposed to eat. I am trying to stick to the menu as much as possible, but may eat a bit more than they suggest.
2) No Workouts! – I have really tried to restrain myself here. I did 40 minutes of Yoga on Day 3 for about 40 minutes. That felt tremendous. I also did Power 90, Sculpt 1-2 on Day 7. I used lighter weights and did not push myself like I typically do. I am missing my workouts, but am trying to put 100% focus on my nutrition and the program.
Overall, I really am feeling great. Emotionally and Mentally, I feel terrific. Physically, I feel great, but I do yearn for my workouts. This is a very regimented program so you need to stay conscious about it all day long. If you are not eating, you are taking supplements. I spend alot of time prepping meals, but I have been enjoying that.
By the way, if you have NOT downloaded the Ultimate Reset Worksheets, these are a must. They have really helped keep me organized through this.
Overall, I feel this program is perfect for those who need to focus on nutrition. When you first start a workout program, it is tough to nail the workouts and nutrition, especially if are like me and knew very little about nutrition. This program has a cooking class DVD and has easy to make recipes but with ingredients you my have never heard of. Get ready to spend most of your time in the product aisle. And I recommend you spend the money on good produce. It make so much difference.
Oh..and one more thing. I have learned this week that beets make your urine red. So dont freak out. LOL!
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How are the meals? Are they are hard to make? Do they require a lot of time?
Kurt. It depends where you are starting from. I found the meals great! I still make them. Time consuming? You are cooking fresh whole food so you do need to set aside some time. However, it teaches you how to make healthy food that tastes good! What are goals for the UR?
I am so out of shape right now and tired that I need to change something. I just want to clean my body out. I yoyo a lot. I haven’t worked out in six months and it shows.
I think this is a great place to start. It will allow your to focus 100% on nutrition. Nutrition is 70-80% of the health/fitness equation. Once you do 3 weeks of the reset, you can add a workout in. I am not sure if you have a coach, but I would be happy to help you through the program. I am a big believer in The Ultimate Reset.
I do have a coach. Thank you. I do frequent your site a lot and it is very helpful.
Great Kurt. I am here for you as we’ll! I am glad you enjoy the site.