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Q: What equipment will I need with P90X?

A: You will need the P90X Pull-Up Bar and either resistance bands or dumbbells.  I like dumbbells much more than the bands to build muscle mass and to be able to dial in the resistance more accurately. I also use and highly recommend PowerStands and a Yoga Mat.  You may also want to consider a Heart Rate Monitor . I found this an important piece of equipment to gauge my intensity.

Q: Which do you recommend: the bands or dumbbells?

A: Both are very effective. If you travel a lot, it would be good for you to get the resistance bands, which can be easily packed away in your suitcase. See my blog post on traveling here Dumbbells are excellent if you’re looking to build a lot of muscle mass.

Q: What range of dumbbells do you use?

A: I currently use BowFlex SelecTech 1090 dumbbells.  They adjust from 5-90 lbs in 5lb increments, store away easily, and are very durable.  For a beginner, you can get away with 5, 10, 15, and 20 lb dumb bells.

Here is a video I created to help walk you through exactly what I use.

10 Responses to “Equipment”

  1. kurt says:

    Mike, what size stability ball did you use for X2? Thanks.

    • Coach Mike Coach Mike says:

      Kurt, I use the “Blue” 55cm ball that comes with the P90X2 Ultimate Kit. They also have a “Gray” 65cm, but I have not used that. I find the 55cm worked really well for me for the whole program and I am 6’1.

      Are you just getting started with the program?

      • kurt says:

        I have the X2 but have not started it yet. I see all different size charts on the internet for the stability ball and I’m trying to find out which one is correct.

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