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The Last Heart Attack

October 5, 2011 –

I am still a young man at 36 years old, but the thought of having a having a heart attack, stroke or any other debilitating diseaseĀ  is something I think we all would rather brush away with a “It’s not going to happen to me” attitude. However, the best prevention is not ignorance, but education.

This documentary provides some interesting information on how we as a nation can see our last heart attack. Alot of the documentary discusses diet which I don’t think anyone would argue is a key element to preventing a heart attack. However, there is an interesting (and somewhat disturbing) segment in here that discusses how the size of our cholesterol can impact our risk for a heart attack. This is something that normal LDL and HDL numbers do not convey.

There is a good portion of the documentary talking with Bill Clinton and the changes he went through in his diet. If you saw the post yesterday on Forks Over Knives, there is a segment at the bottom about Bill Clinton as well. And there are doctors who discuss the fact that Esselstyn and Campbell take things too far with their whole foods plant-based diet. Most admit if one can comply with that diet, great! But most Americans cannot.

Here is the quip CNN gives about the documentary:

In this hour-long CNN documentary, Sanjay Gupta investigates whether diet and the latest diagnostic tests are enough to prevent every heart attack. During the medical journey of discovery, Dr. Gupta talks to former President Clinton, cutting edge doctors and puts his own heart under the microscope as he offers practical advice and hard science to shows how we could have…The Last Heart Attack.

I enjoy sharing the pieces of information I am gathering so we can learn together. It is fascinating stuff and my ultimate goal is to live the healthiest life I can so I can be around for my wife and children and their children.


2 Responses to “The Last Heart Attack”

  1. Indo says:

    I need to watch this! Someone told me about it, but I haven’t had time. And now you have it conveniently embedded right here! I am at work right now and the video is blocked—so it will have to wait until tonight!

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