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What to eat?

August 15, 2011 –

I thought today would be a great time to use a real world example. My wife had to run off to a meeting at 6pm and I go home at 6:15 as some neighborhood girls were watching our kids. So now I need to figure out what we eat. Isn’t this when we are at our weakest? Ugh! It would have been easy to throw in a pizza, throw in a box of mac & cheese, or put some chicken nuggets in the oven. But we had just gone shopping this weekend and bought a bunch of fresh food.

Now I am a high calorie / 50-60% carb diet. I know the kid’s like the Organic Whole Wheat Pasta and Organic Pasta Sauce. I had just bought some zucchini and great looking peppers at the farmer’s market over the weekend. And Whole Foods had a sale on raw shrimp so I had bought some of that. Hmmmm….

I started unpeeling and deveining the shrimp as I was thinking about my recipe. I’ll put in a little olive oil, cook the shrimp, follow it up with the veggies, and then pour the pasta sauce over it. Take that sauce over a bed of my pasta and wala…a home cooked dinner. Well I didn’t make the pasta or the sauce from scratch, but after a long day at work, I was slightly impressed with myself.

Prior to P90X, I would have NEVER spent the time and energy doing that. I would have ordered pizza or put something in from the freezer. I used to make the excuse that there just isn’t enough time. Well, the fact was that I just didn’t make it a priority.

I beg of you. Spend some time making fresh food. Stop the pre-packaged food. That alone will make an enormous difference in your nutrition. The fact is that it does take a little bit of effort, but aren’t you and your family worth it?

Here are some pictures of my Veggie Shrimp Pasta Dish from tonight.

8 Responses to “What to eat?”

  1. Mary says:

    Mike, great quick meal. And you can make it better. Next time, cook the shrimp last. Add them into the hot sauce or veggies at the end. Shrimp get overcooked easily.

  2. breakpoint says:

    That looks awesome! I have been there several times. thanks for reminding me to put that extra effort for my family!

  3. Justin says:

    Great point about cooking and making the right choices when it comes to the health of our families! I have even gotten to the point myself where I do all the family cooking and we no longer make those freezer purchases. The only thing we have in our freezer is ice, steam pouch veggies, and frozen fish. To keep myself from just popping something quick and easy in after a long day, I don’t keep it on hand anymore.

  4. Pio Yepez says:

    That loos great…. and also looks easy to make…

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