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Because It Is Hard!

August 5, 2011 – As we go through life, we need to have a strong Why! Carl had a great speech on why we bother doing what we do at Beachbody. Today, I do not plan on talking about why. I plan on talking about why not! Space has fascinated me going back to being a little boy.  I...

Get Out There!

July 31, 2011 – I had originally intended to write this blog a few days ago, but I am glad I held off as I just had a great experience this weekend that ties nicely into this topic. I have thought about this topic numerous times while I have been doing my outdoor triathalon...

John Salley & Tony...

July 29, 2011 – Basketball Legend John Salley loves P90X. He has been very vocal about the effects it has had on him. Here is a great video about how John Salley showed up at Tony’s legendary beach workout in Santa Monica. So it is no surprise that John brought Tony Horton on...

The Line

July 22, 2011 – I wish I could tell you I plan out the week as to what I am going to blog about, but I dont. It depends on how much time I have, how the day went, and many times just what pops in my mind. As many of us in the US have been feeling this oppressive heat, this blog...

Food Revolution –...

July 21, 2011 – I have really enjoyed Jamie Oliver’s Revolution and decided to write a review on each of the episodes. If you haven’t read my Episode 1 review, click HERE. In Episode 2, I started to get angry at this community. Not only did they misquote him and use it...

Tony Horton Speech R...

July 19, 2011 – Coach Mike is traveling north of the border today (Toronto to be exact) but I still wanted to give you my daily dose of motivation.  Below is a speech Tony Horton gave at Summit in June. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend but I have found someone who recorded...