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Tapping In

January 9, 2011 –

One of the things that Yoga really taught me is to focus. As Tony says, “Get rid of the garbage that is  happening before and after and focus on the present moment.”

We are bombarded everyday with so much information in so many ways; it is hard to survive without being ADD. I am in the telecommunications industry and so this phenomenon is only exacerbated.

With the Seahawks upsetting the Saints yesterday in the NFC wildcard matchup, the timing of this story could not be more perfect.

I had the privilege of being able to go to the Seattle Seahawks Practice Facility for a work event a couple of months ago. We had two of the Seahawk’s assistant coaches putting us through drills and treating us no different than they treat the players. It was a great experience, but one thing in particular has stuck with me.

We were all gathered around the coaches and they looked at us and said, “Did you Tap In?” We all looked at each other and have no idea what they are talking about. As they explained it, Coach Pete Carroll has a “I’m In” sign above the door. As you enter the practice field, you need to hit the sign. This shows that you are 110% focused on practice. You are not wondering about what you are going to do after or worrying about something that happened to you before. You are tapped in and emotionally, mentally, and physically present.

I can speak for myself and say there are so many times that I am half engaged. I am half listening. I am only half participating in an activity. One of the things that I really enjoy about my workouts is that I am 100% engaged. I live in the present moment. I’m not worried about Circuit 3 on Insanity; I am focused on getting through the current exercise.

As I work on bringing this philosophy out of the workout room, I find it really liberating and quite a lesson as to how unproductive we can be when we  multitask on so many things. Focus on the task at hand. “Tap In” and commit to the present moment physically, emotionally, and mentally. Truly listen to people and engage in conversations in a meaningful way. This is yet another one of those small behavior changes that can make a drastic change in our lifestyle.

3 Responses to “Tapping In”

  1. Coach Seekins says:

    Nicely put Coach Mike!

  2. Craig T. says:

    So true, Thanks!

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