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Zen of Fitness

December 16, 2010

Doc Horton really gets it. He is not just some guy who can do a bunch of push-ups and pull-ups. He really looks at the big picture. I saw this in the Beachbody Coaching Videos and I really enjoyed some of his messages so I wanted to share it with Team Right Now. He is able to articulate a lot of the reasons why I believe this has changed me so profoundly. Here are some notes to reference as you listen and some good take-aways.

1) The “Zen of Fitness” is about finding reasons why you want to be healthy and fit so you can stay that way forever! Don’t look at a finite period of time or look just for physical change. So many people’s physical, mental, and emotional troubles have gone away as a result of physical exercise. He has heard it from thousands of people who have been able to go off their diabetes, ant depression, high blood pressure, and other meds as a result of physical exercise and eating right.

2) Personal Development through Fitness. If you take care of yourself and improve your health, fitness, and quality of life, you will become a more productive, energetic, and enthusiastic person in the work place and in your daily life.

3) After 25 years of doing this, doesn’t he get burnt out or want to take time off? His answer? The day you exercise is the day you improve your health, improve your fitness, and improve your quality of life. When you do that, you release chemicals that are only released when you have physical movement. How do you feel before and after you workout? You always feel better after!

4) Eating – Unfortunately, so much of our food today that is created by the industry is loaded with fat, sugar, and salt to which we are addicted to. We need to fuel our bodies correctly with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. It affects our longevity and our health and happiness, especially as we get older.

5) Tony talks about a few of his 11 laws of fitness: Variety, Consistency, Intensity, and Purpose.

One Response to “Zen of Fitness”

  1. Sri says:

    Wow, that was so inspirational. Thanks for putting this up!

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