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Shakeology Trial Packs

July 2, 2012 –

I have been having Shakeology as one of my five meals per day since June 2010.

I have been offering FREE single serving Shakeology Samples for people who are serious about improving their health, but want to taste Shakeology first. (You can order your FREE sample HERE.)

However, to FEEL the benefits of the product (which is what really matters), you need to use it everyday. Ideally, it takes 30 days which is why Beachbody offers a full 30-Day Bottom of the Bag Money-Back Guarantee. Literally, your first bag can be FREE if you are unsatisfied for ANY reason.

Even with this guarantee, there are people who are hesitant to  buy a 30-day supply and see the positive effects it has on their health. So I have created a third option to try Shakeology. I have created 7-Day Shakeology Trial Packs with different combinations of flavors. There are now (4) Flavors of Shakeology.

– Chocolate (Whey Protein)

– Greenberry (Whey Protein)

– VEGAN Chocolate (Sprouted Brown Rice Protein)

– VEGAN Tropical Strawberry (Sprouted Brown Rice Protein)

If you have an interest in purchasing a 7 Day Trial Pack, you can order below and I will get it out to you ASAP.

Shakeology Trial Packs

3 Responses to “Shakeology Trial Packs”

  1. Vivek Chawla says:

    Hey Mike, this is a great option!

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