I get alot of comments from people who say,” I can’t do all those extreme workouts you do”. Outside of my feelings on the words “I Can’t“, not all workouts have to be extreme to get results. I am an extreme guy who is very competitive. I don’t like going half-in. I am an All-In! I am always looking to conquer the next hardest thing out there!
But I want to write a post dedicated to the simple fact that your workouts DO NOT have to be extreme. If you want extreme results that are infomercial fast, then you have to “Bring It” pretty hard. But if you are on your journey and you want great results, then they just need to be consistent! Consistency is the key ingredient to achieving your Life Balance. So in all honesty, I am not overly concerned what workout someone does as long as it is consistent, aligned with their goals, and they are having fun!
I purchased 10-Minute Trainer a month ago because I wanted to see what Tony Horton could really do with you in 10 minutes. And while I will do a dedicated review on this program, I think it is awesome. (The ab workout is one of the hardest ones in his arsenal.) It is the ultimate “I Don’t Have Time Excuse” buster. 10 moves in 10 minutes gets you sweating and really working. And if you have 20 minutes, you stack 2 of the workouts.
So when you pick out your workout, check out my “Which Program For You?” post. There are a ton of beginner programs that still yield awesome results.
– Dance? Try Turbo Jam (Chalene Johnson) or Rockin’ Body (ShaunT)
– 6 Week Full Body Resistance / Cardio? Try Slim in 6 (Debbie Siebers)
– 90 Day Resistance / Cardio and a great precursor to P90X? – Try Power90 (Tony Horton)
– Mobility, Agility, Vitality? Try Tai Cheng (Dr. Mark Cheng)
Honestly. I am not overly concerned about what program you pick because the #1 thing that will impact your transformation is nutrition. This is where 110% of your energy needs to go. This is where the life changing behaviors come from. And while the workouts have different nutrition guides and some are more elaborate and better written than others, they all share the same principles.
If a 60 minute commitment everyday scares you, then start with a 10 to 30 minute commitment. But the REAL commitment is what you do with the other 23 – 23.5 hours of your day. And that is how you fuel your body to meet your goals. What I liked about the Ultimate Reset is that I was able to solely focus on nutrition for 3 weeks. It is tough to get a new workout program going and correct nutrition at the same time. That is alot of change at the same time.
So while some of us love the Extreme workouts like P90X and Insanity, they are not for everyone. But there is a program for you! And let’s be honest, it is really tough to get to a gym 6 days a week. So pick something you can do everyday in your home. All these programs have a great structure to enable you to do just that. But remember where the real focus needs to go. Nutrition is truly the key to living longer, healthier, and finishing life as strong as you started.
I appreciate all your comments. The dialogue is why I write. So please leave a message below!
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