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Cardio Intervals (1-on-1, Vol 2)

August 8, 2011 –

You can see my complete Volume 2 post HERE. You can also download the worksheets for this workout and all the Volume 2 workouts HERE

Disc 1 – Cardio Intervals

Length: 40 minutes

Target Muscle: Cardio

P90x Replacement: Cardio X, Kenpo X, Plyometrics

My Recommendation Rating: 3 Stars (out of 5)

Equipment Required: Chair, Markers, Ball

The 3 out of 5 star rating may be a little unfair and is personally biased. This is actually a very nice routine and a solid entry to moderate level cardio routine. However, for a crazy Insanity / Xer like me, the difficulty drags the score down. But even I need to remember that every workout does not need to have your heart pounding out of chest to be effective.

This routine brings you through 20 exercises 2 times! You will see moves from Kenpo X, Plyometrics, Interval X Plus, and more. There are some good side to side moves that require you to put some markers on your floor (washers, playing cards, coasters, or a kid’s toy will do.) I like the side to side moves because it is something that does not actively come in most cardio activities (running, biking, swimming).

In the future, i would use this routine in 2 situations. One would be a recovery week. The second would be if I was trying to bulk up and gain mass and hence lowering the intensity of my cardio. However, for many of you, this disc may be just what the doctor ordered. Don’t let my crazy view taint you. It’s just that once you do Insanity or Asylum, everything else seems like kitten’s play.

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