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Iso-Abs (1-on-1, Vol 2)

August 6, 2011 –

You can see my complete Volume 2 post HERE. You can also download the worksheets for this workout and all the Volume 2 workouts HERE

Disc 8 – Iso Abs

Length: 38 minutes

Target Muscle: Abs

P90x Replacement: Ab Ripper X

My Recommendation Rating: 5 Stars (out of 5)

Equipment Required: Mat

I had heard good things about this routine so I was excited to give it a whirl. Although. 38 minutes does seem a little intimidating. Tony starts out by saying 10 moves at 12 reps a piece. I thought,”That doesn’t sound so bad.” As I made it through the 10 moves and saw quite a bit of time on the clock, I knew what was coming. “REPEAT!” So, it is actually 2 Rounds of 10 moves.

This is a tough routine because of it’s pace. It is super slow with isometric holds. I want to share a funny story during Round 2. Just as “The Gate” is about to start, Tony says “Let’s open the gate and see what is inside!” Instinctively, I responded out loud “Pain!” LOL! Well, it made me laugh. If you can’t crack yourself up….

The moves are actually a combination of a bunch of  moves from different routines, but nothing I hadn’t seen before. “Super Scissors”, “The Monster”, “Big Bike”, “Tick Tock”, etc. But everything is super slow and it burns!

Although this could absolutely replace Ab Ripper X, be aware that this routine is more than twice as long. Now maybe you only have time for Round 1. That is okay as well. But I love switching up Ab routines and this one will definitely be in regular rotation.

6 Responses to “Iso-Abs (1-on-1, Vol 2)”

  1. lance lyell says:

    great review! I will be doing this Tuesday for the first time and can’t wait!

  2. breakpoint says:

    Looks like an awesome workout! Cant wait to add it to my set! Thanks!

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