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Carl Daikeler-Why Bothe...

July 15, 2011 – First off, I want to take this opportunity to thank my wife for agreeing to make me her lifelong partner in this journey we call life 11 years ago today. There we are in the picture on July 15, 2000. I love you sweetie. Today, I am posting the first part of Carl...

Food Revolution –...

July 14, 2011 – I never really watch TV because in my free time I am doing this blog or answering questions or with my family. And so I never knew this show existed. I was watching something on YouTube and this came up in the recommendations on the right (I guess YouTube’s...

End The Trend

July 12, 2011 – This is a very important topic for me. People wonder why I spend so much time blogging and trying to help people build a healthier lifestyle. It is a lot of time and I sacrafice my free time and even time with my family.  I have a full time job. Why all the time and...

Success Stories

July 11, 2011 – Success Stories is what keep this so exciting. Everyone has a story on how they turned things around. And while I am a Beachbody Success Story, different stories resonate with different people.  I will be creating a Success Stories Tab at the top of my page shortly...

One Year Younger

July 7, 2011 – Well team today is my 36th birthday. 7 is my lucky number. I was born on 7/7 in the 1970s.  I’m 6’1 (6+1 = 7). My first, middle, and last names all have 7 letters (Michael Patrick Roberts). And for most of my teenage life, I was 177 lbs. Now that last...

Let It Go

July 6, 2011 – I am more of an introvert than an extrovert. Maybe I fit the engineering stereotype a little bit. I have worked to be more gregarious and social. My wife is an extrovert so that has really helped break me out of my shell. But all too often, I find myself holding onto...