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P90X2 & Endurance ...

January 19, 2012 – As an aspiring endurance athlete, I jumped for joy when I saw this article. The biggest struggle I have found when talking to many runners or triathletes is they do not cross train. In order to run better, people believe they just need to run more. As I train for...

Beachbody Challenge

January 16, 2012 – The Beachbody Challenge has replaced the Million Dollar Body game. And the ante has been officially upped. (Bad English, but you get my drift.) Everyone (and I mean everyone) should enter. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain…including some...

Ultimate P90X2 Workshee...

December 12, 2011 – Based on the tremendous feedback I have received on my P90X Worksheets and my many other home-made worksheets. I have tried to up my game and include some other features, including: – Time left in the workout at each exercise – What equipment is...

P90X2 Box Opening

December 11, 2011 – On December 10, the FedEx truck pulled up to my house to deliver the next level of P90X….P90X2. I ordered both the BluRay Ultimate Edition and DVD Basic Edition (Click HERE to see all ordering options). I wanted the DVDs so i could take them on the road,...

Les Mills Pump

December 4, 2011 – For anyone who has ever been to a gym, I am sure you have seen BODYPUMP classes. My wife Stephanie really enjoyed these classes and I even tried it once. As you will read below, it is all about very high reps. It was a great workout for me and this was after my...

P90X2-Meet The Cast

November 29, 2011 – USMC Sgt. Cogen N. shares with us his P90X journey and is now part of the cast of P90X2. December 21, 2011  Update – Alfonso A also shares his experience with...