A new program requires new worksheets! Body Beats is HERE and the team is starting on monday, July 2. We have Sagi in our Facebook group and everyone is amped up.
The worksheets for Body Beast actually take some time to complete, so I will be updating everyday with at least once more workout . I will ensure everyone has the worksheet for the workout before we do it next week. So check back often!
You can download the most recent Body Beast Worksheets on my Ultimate Worksheets Page HERE. Look under Sagi Kalev Workouts.
nice man! I like!
Thanks Joseph!
You the man Mike. Keep bringing it!
Another one of the many reasons I made you my coach. Fantastic! Thanks Mike!
Thanks bud!
As always, great job Mike! Thank you !!!!
Michael your sheets are the best in the business. Thanks for everything you do!
Coach Mike,
I recommend these worksheets to everyone they are great! My wife did make one suggestion that I thought I would pass along. She asked for at the top of every column you would leave a cell for the date to (Just numerical day and month) be written.
Also, I wanted to just pass along that when I first got these I thought I would have to get some longer paper to print them on but if you go into the print job properties on an HP printer (your mileage may vary with a different printer) you can specify to print “borderless” and it comes out perfect on a normal 8.5 x 10 printer paper. Just thought I would pass it along. Beast up!
Thank you so much Tony for the kind words. I am so happy to hear it was helpful to both of you. As I do a second revision, I will make sure I do just that! Thank you so much!!