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For Legs Review (1-on-1...

July 8 – I have been doing 1-on-1, Volume 2 discs like crazy to get reviews out to this great team as fast as possible. So be prepared for an onslaught. You can see my complete Volume 2 post HERE. Disc 11 – For Legs Length: 52 minutes Target Muscle: Legs P90x Replacement: Legs...

Patience Yoga Review (1...

July 4, 2011 – I have given a comprehensive and complete review of Tony Horton’s 1-on-1 Volume 1 and Volume 3 series. Now although there will NOT be a Volume 4 (the series is discontinued after Volume 3), I am going back to review all of Volume 2. You can see my complete Volume 2...

One on One, Volume 3 Re...

July 2, 2011 – I have given a comprehensive and complete review of Tony Horton’s 1-on-1 Volume 1 series. I could not claim that for  Volume 3 yet, because they were still being shipped….until now. All 12 discs have shipped and Volume 3 is complete! (And yes, I am working on...

Total Body X Review (1-...

July 1, 2011 – I am sad to report that this is the FINAL One-on-One disc. In this disc, a note came that said the “series has been discontinued.” Now with P90X2 coming out later this year, I expected a hiatus but not a complete discontinuation. Well, I have purchased the...

Asylum Challenge Winner...

June 27, 2011 – Today, ShaunT picked the winner of the ASYLUM CHALLENGE. We have been talking about this since the middle of April. So today, the conclusion is finally here! Let’s again look at our awesome teamRIPPED video vs. the Xcellent Fitness Video. This is what ShaunT...

Triathalon Results

June 26, 2011 – It’s 4am and my alarm is telling me to get up so that by mid morning I can call myself a triathelete. Running a triathalon is something I have wanted to do for a long time. (See HERE for my background in each sport.) As I signed up for the Chicago Triathalon...