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X2 Balance+Power Review

March 1, 2012 –

X2 Balance + Power is another challenging workout in the Foundation Phase. For those of you who did P90X One-on-One Volume 3, this workout does not have a direct correlation. You will find some moves from various 1-on-1s, but for the most part, this is a never before seen workout.

And it is rightly named. Every move is a balance move (like most X2 moves). The power comes with moves like “Russian Twist”, which is a “Mason Twist” with a dumbbell and a medicine ball! Or “Warrior Row Press”. Or “Crawly Crab Press” where you roll your shoulders on a stability ball will pressing a dumbbell.

Still, my favorite move is “Renegade Row Lolasana” It took me a few tries, but once you get the movement, it combines shoulder power along with total core strength to go back to burpee.

Outside of the cool new moves, X2 Balance + Power will leave you going back again and again to keep perfecting your form. The Tip of the Day is Form is King. Even in my recorded workout below, I can see massive improvements for my form.  “4-Direction 1-Leg Squat Hop”? Wow. U-G-L-Y. But that is what makes these workouts so great. If you could nail them right out of the box, they wouldn’t push you to the next level.

This one is fun. Be ready to take on X2 Balance + Power!

Download my P90X2 Ultimate Worksheets HERE

4 Responses to “X2 Balance+Power Review”

  1. Rick says:

    Hey Mike, can you make this video available on mobile? It isn’t working on here or your channel. Thanks.

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