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Coach Mike’s ULTIMATE Worksheets

Welcome to my ULTIMATE Worksheet home! I have spent countless hours generating these worksheets to help YOU!

If you like the work I have done on my worksheets and you do NOT  have a Beachbody Coach, join our team for FREE below. (Just click on the icon below)

*Note – If you have a “dud” coach and would like to change coaches, the process to do so is very simple. Simply email and tell them that you would like “Coach Mike Roberts (Coach ID #64523) at” as your coach. Please CC me as well so I can ensure to follow-up.

Tony Horton Workouts

Tony Horton Power 90 Complete Series Summary (See related post HERE)

– Includes a summary and side-by-side of all of Tony Horton’s Power 90 Series Workouts (Power90, P90X, P90X+, and all 1-on-1s)

P90X2 Ultimate Worksheets

Note – Because of the 8MB file size limit on my blog, I have had to split up the worksheets. (See related post HERE)

Ultimate P90X2 Customizable 90 Day Calendar (Excel)

Ultimate P90X2 Worksheets- Disc Overview and FIT Test

Ultimate P90X2 Worksheets- No Warm-Ups (Discs 2-3, 5, 7-12)

Ultimate P90X2 Worksheets- (Includes Warm-Ups) (Discs 2-3, 5, 7-12)

Ultimate P90X2 Worksheets (Discs 4, 6, 13)

Ultimate P90X2 Worksheets- (Includes Warm-Ups and  No Warm-Ups) (Discs 14-15)

– Includes Comprehensive P90x2 Workout Sheets for ALL Workouts! (Significantly better than Beachbodys)

P90X Ultimate Worksheets

Ultimate P90X Worksheets (Version 5 – Updated Jun 7, 2012)

– Includes Comprehensive 90 Day Tracking Sheet

– Includes Body Measurement and FIT Test Tracking

– Includes Comprehensive P90x Workout Sheets (Significantly better than Beachbodys)

P90X+ Ultimate Worksheets

Ultimate P90X+ Workhseets.

– Includes Comprehensive 90 Day Tracking Sheet

– Includes Body Measurement and FIT Test Tracking

– Includes Comprehensive P90x+ Workout Sheets (Significantly better than Beachbodys)

One on One Ultimate Worksheets

Ultimate One on One – Volume 1 Worksheets (Updated June 8, 2012)

Ultimate One on One – Volume 2 Worksheets (Updated June 9, 2012)

Ultimate One on One – Volume 3 Worksheets

Power 90 Ultimate Worksheets

Power 90 Worksheets

– Includes Comprehensive 90 Day Tracking Sheet

– Includes Body Measurement and FIT Test Tracking

10-Minute Trainer

(Coming Soon)

Shaun T Workouts

Ultimate Insanity Worksheets – Version 2 (Work In Progress- Updated May 23, 2012) 

– Includes Comprehensive 63 Day Tracking Sheets

– Includes Body Measurement and FIT Test Tracking

– Includes Comprehensive Insanity Workout Sheets (Work In Progress  – Updated May 23, 2012)

Ultimate Insanity – The Asylum Worksheets

– Includes Comprehensive 30 Day Tracking Sheet

– Includes Body Measurement and FIT Test Tracking

– Includes Comprehensive Insanity Asylum Workout Sheets (Speed & Agility, Vertical Plyo, Strength, Game Day, Overtime, Back to Core)

Ultimate Insanity – The Asylum, Volume 2 Worksheets

– Includes Comprehensive 30 Day Tracking Sheet

– Includes Body Measurement and FIT Test Tracking

– Includes Comprehensive Insanity Asylum, Volume 2 Workout Sheets (X Trainer, Elite Upper, Power Legs, Ab Shredder, Back & 6-Pack, Championship, Pure Contact)

Sagi Kalev (Body Beast) Worksheets 

Ultimate Comprehensive 90 Day Tracking Sheet / Calendar – Version 10 (Finished – June 28, 2014)

– LEAN BEAST Calendar

– HUGE BEAST Calender

Ultimate Body Beast Worksheets – Version 10 (Finished – June 28, 2014)

– Includes Body Measurement Tracking

– Includes Comprehensive Body Beast Workout Sheets for all Workouts!!

Master’s Hammer and Chisel Worksheets 

Ultimate Hammer and Chisel Worksheets – Version 1 (Finished – January 3, 2015)

Ultimate Reset Worksheets

Ultimate Reset Worksheets – Version 1  (Updated June 5, 2012)

– Includes Comprehensive DAILY Tracking Sheets with meals and supplements!

– Includes Body Measurement and Blood Teset

– Includes Sleep Tracker

– Includes Ultimate Reset Approved Shakeology Recipes and Snack Ideas

– Includes Grocery List for Week 1, 2, and 3

Mike’s Hybrid Workout Calenders

Roberts Insanity Asylum-P90X 30 – Day Calender

Roberts Hybrid I – Upper Cardio Killer

Roberts Hybrid II – One on One, Vol 1, 3

Roberts Hybrid IV – Triathalon, P90X, Insanity, One on One

Roberts Hybrid V – 90 Day Triathlon Hybrid with P90X, One on One, and Insanity (See related post HERE)

Roberts Hybrid VI – Prep for P90X2 : P90X Challenge

Roberts Round 10 Hybrid – April 2012 – Post P90X2 (Includes P90X, P90+, P90X 1-on-1, Insanity, Insanity -The Asylum, P90X2, Les Mills Pump)

Coach Mike Miscellaneous Downloads

Comprehensive Vitamin Table (See related post on Vitamins HERE.)

Supplement Worksheet (See related post on Supplements HERE.)

Beachbody Created Worksheets

P90X2 Printable Worksheets (PDF)

P90X Printable Worksheets (PDF)

P90X Excel Spreadsheet (Includes Printable Workout Sheets and Nutrition)

P90X Fit Test

P90X+ Printable Worksheets (PDF)

P90X+ Excel Spreadsheet (Includes Printable Workout Sheets and Nutrition)

Body Beast (PDF)

Shakeology Calender – 30 Days of Recipes

Beachbody Coaching for Active Military

To read more on this, go to the following post HERE.


Coach Application

TBB Fax Cover Sheet

95 Responses to “Coach Mike’s ULTIMATE Worksheets”

  1. Coach Wayne says:

    Just printed off some of your Vol. 3 worksheets as I gear up for my Round 5 hybrid, which has several of the Vol. 3 workouts.

    THANK YOU so much for putting in the time and effort to do these worksheets! They are AWESOME!

  2. Marc says:

    Do you have a worksheet for the Asylum Strength workout? I can’t find one anywhere for the life of me. Let me know if you have one, that would be extremely helpful.



  3. John says:

    Hey Coach,

    Do you have the Asylum worksheets in Excel? If so, can you email me a copy?


  4. Chad H says:

    Hey thanks Mike for the w/o sheets they are awesome

  5. Marc says:

    Thanks for the update! These worksheets are super helpful!!

  6. Coach Jeff says:

    Coach Mike your site is an incredible resorce. Thanks for the workout sheets they are extremely helpful.

  7. Hung Tran says:

    Thanks so much Mike for putting these worksheets together. Just what I was looking for and they look just like the P90X style worksheets. Love em!

    – Hung

  8. Pat says:

    Me and my wife we are doing the Asylum(we just finish Insanity 3 weeks ago) and I found your workout sheet and we would really like to have them if it’s possible. When I tried to download them, it says : sorry the page doesn’t exist anymore…!!!

    Can you send them to me by e-mail.

    P.S: Your rewiews are really interesting, they psuh us to buy the Asylum (sorry for my english we are french candian from Montreal)


  9. Vivek Chawla says:

    You’ve put in an incredible amount of work with this. Thank you so much !! This is great help !! :)

  10. sim says:

    Hey Mike,

    These worksheets are fantastic, thanks for all the hard work you put into creating these. I’m about to start my new hybrid on Monday and these are really going to come in handy!


  11. Brian says:

    Hello – I noticed the P90x+ downloads are no longer available – Im considering that program – will thise resources be put back up?

  12. kurt says:

    My computer will not let me open your files. I saved them like you said. Any ideas? Thanks.

  13. kurt says:

    Thanks, I got it to work. They are awesome. Thanks again.

  14. Jeff L. says:

    Thanks for the incredible work on the P90X2 worksheets. Just printed the latest, Balance + Power!

  15. Tommy says:

    The worksheets are awesome, thanks for all your efforts. Will you be including worksheets for P.A.P Upper and Lower as well?

  16. Geremy says:

    I’m unable to download the worksheets without the warmups for P90X2. The link takes me to a page that reads: “Sorry, the page your requested could not be found, or no longer exists.”

  17. Indo says:

    Thanks again, Mike! These are AWESOME!

  18. Matt Mahaley says:


    Thanks for these amazing worksheets. They ARE significantly better than the ones Beachbody provides. Great work.

  19. Coach Mo says:

    Was getting ready to compose some new workout sheets for the duece and figured why not check out Mike’s site before reinventing the wheel. As always Mike, appreciate the effort. Fried my original Droid over the holidays. That phone was a beast but lost out to the 400 gallons of water it came into contact with. I had it in a case and there was no way to get the battery pulled faster then it gacked the phone.

    Thanks again,

    • Coach Mike Coach Mike says:

      Hope you enjoy them! I have so edits I need to post, but these will get you by for now. Sorry to hear about the Droid! We do have some phones that are water resistant, but that was not one of them.

  20. joel says:

    please publish a p90x2 asylum hybrid with worksheets i can’t find anything like it anywhere. ps thanks for all your work!

  21. Matthew says:

    What do U and A stand for in your worksheets

  22. The Body Beast worksheets are killer! BEAST UP Coach Mike!

  23. Noel Price says:

    Thanks for putting your time into this Coach Mike!! It’s appreciated

  24. Nick says:

    Will you be doing worksheets for Volume 2 of Asylum?

  25. Kurt says:

    These are very useful! Just a heads up that in the Asylum Vol. 2 Overview PDF, there is a typo under ‘Target Muscles’ of ‘Pure Contact’. (Says Cradio)

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